Meet Jane!

Name: Jane Campbell

Where do you live? Houston, Texas

What type of athlete are you? Soccer player

Do you have a day job or are you a professional athlete? I coach privately and I am a professional athlete

How long have you been participating in this sport? I have been a professional for 3 years. I am 24 years old and began playing soccer when I was 9.

Who are your biggest influences? Who do you admire most? My biggest influences would be my mom, dad, and brother. All three served or are currently serving in our military and for that I have a great deal of respect and honor for how successful they are. Although soccer was not apart of their lives, team building, team chemistry, and confidence have always been topics of discussion in our family’s house hold and for that I am thankful.

What is your training regimen? I train every morning with my pro team, the Houston Dash. Three times a week in the afternoon, I will do some sort of individual workout. Those workouts consist of ball work against a wall or weight training in the gym.

How do you structure your days? My days are fairly busy, but it keeps me active and it makes it much easier to have a set schedule each day. Every morning I go to training with the Houston Dash. Once practice is over, I’ll have a small rest period where I have a small bite to eat. Then I will go and complete my individual training. I go home and make sure to take the dogs on a long walk. Usually in the evenings I have one or two coaching sessions, which allows me to make a little extra cash on the side. Then I will come home and have dinner with my dogs and take them for one last walk before winding down for the night. My days usually revolve around soccer and my dogs, which in my opinion are not a bad combo.

Do you find your diet to be a crucial part of your lifestyle? If so, what diet tips would you recommend to your followers? As I’ve gotten older and into the professional game, I have noticed that making sure my body is fueled, recovered, and ready to perform is crucial to how I step onto the field. Everybody’s diet is different and we all react to different foods, supplements, and diets, so I do not believe one specific diet works for everyone. I do believe athletes should experiment with food and see how their body reacts. You never know what your body can do until you try something new, so why not go for it?

How do you care for your body and health aside from your sport? I really should implement more recovery in my every day routine than I do now. I think the best form of recovery is sleep, personally. I am a big fan of being stretched for a solid hour and receiving a couple massages during the week. I am a very “plain Jane” when it comes to recovery, so really stretching, massages, and sleep is what I stick to.

What is your impression of the Silipos Lace-Up Gel Metguard we sent you? How did it add value to you? What did you like about it? I thought the product was very interesting. It made me think about when people train barefoot and pass the ball, how irritated the top of one’s foot can become and how sensitive it feels. The Silipos product allowed for extra padding on the top of my boot, which took most of the force from striking the ball off of my foot and onto the pad itself. The pad really made it feel as if the top of my foot had a shin guard over it so I did not feel much pressure while striking a ball.

Would you recommend Silipos products to other athletes? Yes, I would recommend the Lace-Up Gel Metguard. The first athlete that comes to mind that I would recommend this product to is a football field goal kicker or punter. They’re position is so specific to kicking and making contact with the top of one’s foot that I feel they would be an ideal athlete to use the Silipos product.

What is something that your followers do not know about you, that you find to be very important to your personal lifestyle? I really value the community I am in. I love Houston, I love my team, and I love our fan base. I wish I could connect with every person who’s in love with our sport in this city, so my goal is to reach out to as many children who are playing as possible and help them achieve their goals one day, whatever they may be. I want to be an outlet for people all over because I want to show the same love to the people here in Houston who have welcomed me with open arms.

What keeps you motivated when you are faced with challenges? When I come across a challenge, I often lean to one phrase. “Everything happens for a reason”. To me, this phrase allows me to stay calm when I face adversity because I know there is a bigger picture; a story already written for me, and it is all part of the chapter I am in. Every negative moment comes with a positive lesson, the learning part is just figuring out what the lesson is.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring athlete? One piece of advice I’d give to an aspiring athlete is to always have fun. Every day, whether you are in practice, running on your own, watching a game, find a way to have fun. There are always ways to learn when we enjoy what we are doing and when we learn, we are able to reach new levels. If you are not enjoying the sport you are in or training you are in, you should try and find something else. Make sure it is something that YOU want to do and that you are passionate about because only until then will you truly find a feeling of happiness and joy.

You can continue to follow Jane’s active journey through life by following her on her social channels!

Instagram: janecampbell_

Twitter: jane_campbell1

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